Scientific Journal

In order to develop the academic and scientific, European College of Kosovo publishes the journal ECK Scientific Journal , which is published twice a year. In the scientific journal ECKMagazine are published research-scientific papers of academic staff and researchers from the European College of Kosovo and external works of authors from different local universities and works of international and independent scientific researchers.
The ECK Scientific Journal published works in the field of economics, law and other related sciences. Publication of the works in ECK Scientific Journal are proceeded according to the procedures and and in accordance with the Regulation for publishing of the European College of Kosovo.

Specific scientific publications

Development of scientific publishing (universitybooks, monographs, and other special publications) in areas of legal and economic studies in related fields is a matter of priority the European College of Kosovo. For this important segment of the scientific, within budget planning for each year are allocated considerable financial means. Specific scientific publications published by the College publishers plan and in accordance with the Regulation for publishing of European College of Kosovo.

Scientific Conference

European College of Kosovo in the framework of its scientific activities occasionally (at least once every two years) organizes and conducts national and international scientific conferences on current scientific and social issues. Organisation of international scientific conferences usually is done in collaboration with international universities to which European College of Kosovohas academic partnership and cooperation agreement.