568 positions higher in the ranking of Webometrics! • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

568 positions higher in the ranking of Webometrics!

The European College of Kosovo marked an extraordinary rise of 568 positions in the January-July 2017 period regarding the rankings carried out by the Cybermetrics Lab, part of Spanish National Research Council, headquartered in Madrid.

Despite the fact that the European College of Kosovo is operating in Kosovo since 2014, this has not influenced itself as one of the institutions that has an extraordinary rise of 568 positions in the evaluation conducted by Webometrics. The European College of Kosovo is one of the most digitized institutions in the country that attaches tremendous importance to digitalization of learning. Since 2014, the European College of Kosovo has consistently developed the online system by doing the work of professors and student life easier through 24/7 access to information on the online learning platform through which they can get the latest announcements, schedules, activities, presentations and results.

"However, it is worth pointing out that this ranking has to do with the web presence, where the overwhelming points of the algorithm are related to links, sub-pages, PDF documents, and is not a direct measure of quality"