Online Lecture of Prof.Dr.Musa Limani for the students of International University of Travnik (BH) • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

Online Lecture of Prof.Dr.Musa Limani for the students of International University of Travnik (BH)

European College of Kosovo continuously is showing the values and qualities as one and only European institution of higher education in Kosovo, which represents the Republic of Kosovo in such a dignified way through the borders. Students of the European College of Kosovo incessantly are part of online lectures from professors and international experts from Europe countries, but this practice has begun to change because from now on students of our partner universities will be able to follow our online lectures too.

On 12th of December 2015 at 12:00pm, Prof.Dr.Musa Limani presented the online lecture for the students of International University of Travnik, (Bosnia and Herzegovina Republic) with the topic “The Process of Privatization in Kosovo”.

It should be added that during the academic year 2014/15 students and professors of ECK has been a part of the lecture which was presented by Rector of the International University of Travnik, Prof.Dr.Ibrahim Jusufranic. Prof.Dr.Musa Limani and the Academician Prof.Dr.Ibrahim Jusufranic, are two of the most outstanding professors of Economical Sciences, which through their sensational multiannual careers in academic level have contributed massively in the higher education of both countries.