Employment opportunities at the European College of Kosovo: Promotion and Marketing Associate • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

Employment opportunities at the European College of Kosovo: Promotion and Marketing Associate


Marketing and Promotion Department of ECK
Job Title: Associates for promotion and marketing services of the European College of Kosovo (2 positions)

a) To do promotion and marketing services for the European College of Kosovo;
b) To be creative in promoting and marketing services on behalf of the European College of Kosovo

Required Qualifications:
-Higher University Degree (desirable/non-mandatory)
-Communication ability relating to promotion and marketing services.
-Previous job experience in marketing services and promotion (desirable/non-mandatory)
-Ability to use computer programs such as Word, Excel, (desirable).

Required documents:
- CV of the applicant

Application deadline: 21.03.2016 until 27.03.2016.

All interested applicants must submit their CV along with the other required documents via email work@eck-edu.org, no later than the 27th of March 2016 with the subject: Associate for promotion and marketing services of the European College of Kosovo.

