Varna University of Management provides new opportunities for the students of the European College of Kosovo. • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

Varna University of Management provides new opportunities for the students of the European College of Kosovo.

Among the collaborations achieved till now, a new door has opened for the students of the European College of Kosovo. In the list of partnerships that the European College of Kosovo has agreements with, another important Bulgarian University, Varna University of Management has also joined.According to the Erasmus+ program signed by both institutions students now have the opportunity to transfer from Kosovo to Bulgaria.
       Varna being one of the most beautiful Bulgarian cities that is characterized by its gorgeous sea and other interesting attractions is now an opportunity for students of the European College of Kosovo. Students can now be transferred to Varna for a semester and all exams will be recognized from our institution.

