European College of Kosovo joins initiative to fight illiteracy • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

European College of Kosovo joins initiative to fight illiteracy

Rotary Club "Prishtina International " , will organize a humanitarian concert to raise funds to combat illiteracy in Kosovo . This concert will be held on 13 November at the Red Hall of the Youth Palace in Pristina , where will attend many familiar voices of Albanian music under the escort of Big Bend Orchestra of Radio Television of Kosovo .

European College of Kosovo has joined the initiative of Rotary Club Prishtina International by allocating two full scholarships in order to combat illiteracy in Kosovo . Scholarships are intended for girls from rural areas who are unable to finish their university studies due to financial situation. The total amount of scholarships for two students who will be part of the European College of Kosovo arrives from 5400 up to 7200 depending on the program of studies .

 congratulates the Rotary Club Prishtina International for their initiative and promises that even in the future will support such projects that aim the service and contribution toward the community.