ONLINE LECTURES AND TRAINING AT THE EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF KOSOVO • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet


On Saturday starting at 10:00h, in the European College of Kosovo will be organized the next online lecture where we have a special guest, Mr. Dieudonne Alley (part of the network of experts in the European College of Kosovo). “Communication as a leader” is the theme which Mr.Dieudonne Alley, from Paris France, will present to the students of European College of Kosovo, which among others will focus on three main parts: Prepare, process speech and actions after the end of the speech.Taking into consideration the vast experience in the field of Communication, Mr.Alley ‘s primary aim is to prepare students of the European College of Kosovo with practical advices which in the near future could help them in their professional and scientific careers.

Also on Saturday, starting at 12: 00h for students of the European College of Kosovo, will be held the training for “Developing skills for employment and career”. This training aims to prepare students how to write a CV professionally, how to writte a motivational letter, and how to look and behave during the job interview.

All students after successfully complete the training will receive a certificate from the Training Centre of the European College of Kosovo.

Educating Minds and Hearts !