Cooperation Agreement between the European College of Kosovo and Varna Free University in Bulgaria • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

Cooperation Agreement between the European College of Kosovo and Varna Free University in Bulgaria


The growth in the number of inter-university partnerships of the European College of Kosovo is continuing. A very important cooperation agreement was signed with Varna Free University in Bulgaria by which agreement will especially benefit college students. From now students will be able to transfer their studies for bachelor or master degree at this University.

Varna Free University is one of the largest and most acknowledged private universities in Bulgaria, which offers the opportunity for regular or part-time studies and distance learning for all academic levels including bachelor, master and doctorate degree. During the studies, students are offered the opportunity to participate in internships, training and workshops aiming for professional development. Every year Varna Free University offers scholarships for outstanding students. Students will have the opportunity to study in one of the following faculties: International Economics and Administration, Law, Architecture, Department of Foreign Languages and Teaching.