Kolegji Europian i Kosovës anëtarësohet në Aleancën Kosovare të Biznesit • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

Kolegji Europian i Kosovës anëtarësohet në Aleancën Kosovare të Biznesit

14 September 2015, European College of Kosovo and the Alliance of Kosovar Businesses  signed a cooperation agreement and membership, in this case the president of AKB, Mr.Agim Shahini, said: "From today we are enriched with an academic staff over 50 people and a number of new academics over 300 people, and it is very important when science and the economy are closely connected with each other with one purpose of creating policies and more favorable space for the development of domestic and international businesses"
Students of the European College of Kosovo now on, will have new opportunities to carry out the practical part in Kosovo's entrepreneurships which is immediate demand in different fields, so that they are prepared better for the labor market and their contribution.
Prof.Dr. Ali Bajgora, Dean of the ECK  said "I am grateful that the students of the European College of Kosovo now on will have the opportunity to carry out their knowledge into practical world in local companies all around Kosovo and prepare for the labor market. We are ready to provide Alliance of Kosovar Businesses with an professional academic staff, available to support and develop joint projects in different fields according to the needs of the both institutions"

European College of Kosovo also offered AKB 5 FULL-Scholarships for the academic year 2015/16 for Businesses that are part of the Alliance and would like to invest into the Human Resuorces and support further education of their emplyees. The programs in which they can study are: Management, Bank Finance and Accounting, Information Technology in Business, General Law.