European College of Kosovo joins n'TRIP • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

European College of Kosovo joins n'TRIP

European College of Kosovo in the continuation of cooperation with local companies, on 27th of October 2015 signed a cooperation agreement with the largest telephone operator in the country Vala.
Students and academic staff of the European College of Kosovo with this agreement enables them to receive 2 GB faster internet 3G and 4G, borderless conversations with 50 thousand current members of N'trip package , and thousands of others in the future and 500 SMS within the community .

Dean of the European College of Kosovo,Prof.Dr. Ali Bajgora among others said: "For us this is a special event today's agreement reached with VALA, because we are talking about new partner and a very important cooperation, from which direct beneficiaries will be academic staff, but in particular our students who will join thousands of other students.

Marigona Avdyli