A debate about School Textbooks was held at the European College of Kosovo • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

A debate about School Textbooks was held at the European College of Kosovo

 On Monday 23rd of May 2016 the European College of Kosovo organized a debate with its main focus “The Review of School Textbooks and Programs in the Republic of Kosovo”. The purpose of this debate was to discuss and inform participants about the right concept of literature for pupils and students, as well as the changes that are being made in textbooks during 2016/2017.
       Part of this important debate, especially for pupils and students, were: Ms. Anila Statovci (Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) Prof. Dr. Ali Bajgora (Rector of the European College of Kosovo) Prof. Dr. Demë Hoti (Professor of the University of Prishtina) and MA. Florin Lata (Copyright expert).
It is worth mentioning that a lot of work and effort is being put into reviewing and implementing the school textbooks and programs by the commission. Not forgetting to emphasize that during the debate parents and professors also highlighted different issues regarding the topic.

