Career Development Office

In terms of a free market economy and to a great competition for employment, career development office of the European College of Kosovo helps students to launch their professional careers in the best way possible and for faster employment.
Career Development Office organizes training and employment activities for students, helps them in application for jobs, establish links with institutions and organizations of public or private sector, does researches on open vacancies and offers consultations for employment.
The mission of the Office of Career Development is to increase the employment of students and graduates of European College of Kosovo, assessing theoretical knowledge and their professional practice that they have received during their studies.
Career Development Office offers also advices for students graduating from secondary school and wish to start their studies in college, informing and counselling them with study programs and opportunitiesof their professional and scientificcareer development.
Provision of information to raise funds for student tuition and for procedures they must match, and organizations of visits and professional practices of students - are also priorities of the Career Development Office.
Realization of employment and career development for students and graduates of the European College of Kosovo will become much easier and faster with the help and services of the Career Development Office.