HAMK/ECK Summer School 2016 Visits IPKO and Gazeta Express • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

HAMK/ECK Summer School 2016 Visits IPKO and Gazeta Express

As part of the summer school program organized by HAMK university of Finland and the European College of Kosovo from 7-11 June 2016, apart from the attractive lecturers and discussions, two study visits to different companies were conducted with the main purpose being practical learning and discussions with experts of the field.
       The first study visit took place at IPKO where the participants got the chance to meet representatives from the Social Media department Mr. Visar Breznica and the Communications department Mr. Etrit Zeneli who in front of the partakers discussed about their daily work, their marketing campaigns, clientele communications, channel communications, and the challenges and success that IPKO has been through the years.
       Whereas in the second study visit at Gazeta Express, the participants learnt about the path that Gazeta Express has taken over the years, its transformation to an online news portal, its targets, advertisements, its challenges and the reasons why the site has the largest attendance in the region.
       HAMK / ECK Summer School 2016 is rated by participants as one of the most interesting events, taking into account national and international staff, study tours, lectures and attractive locations in the center of Pristina.

