"Business plan development" training has encouraged entrepreneur soul to many students of European College of Kosovo • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

"Business plan development" training has encouraged entrepreneur soul to many students of European College of Kosovo


The training held from European College of Kosovo “Business Plan Development” has encouraged curiosity to many students who have had their ideas of developing their personal startup.
       During the past week, Career center has held a two days training at European College of Kosovo in order to encourage entrepreneur soul at ECK students. During the training, students have learned how to analyze the market before developing a startup, which is their product/service that they want to create, which are the basic elements that need to be considered during the development of a startup and other phases until the implementation process.
       Trainings at European College of Kosovo are offered to students for free (including also this training). Those training are offered in order to understand more in practice and enhance their knowledge outside the regular learning system.