ECK Debate Club - Abortion • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

ECK Debate Club - Abortion

Issue of the abortion has been and still remains an important issue not just for women but also for the policies relating to reproduction and the sexuality in our society.
       Debate club in order to challenge their self and participants on 10 of February 2016 debated the issue of "abortion" as a topic that in our society as well as in all countries all around the world has been considered taboo and very sensitive topic. Debaters expressed their opinions regarding questions such as “Should abortion be legal or not, the history of abortion, countries that support and suppress abortionand other issues related to the topic.

       Though the topic of "abortion" in our country is not yet discussed nationally, students and participants of the debate club has shown concerns about this phenomenon. The level of preparation and arguments presented left to understand that the future of our country depends on the youth and if they continue with such a performance, Kosovo will have a bright future.